Attendance Information and Support
The Karns City Area School District Board of Education requires that school-aged pupils enrolled in the District attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the state. The educational program offered by the District is predicated upon the presence of the pupil and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation in order for students to achieve academic standards and consistent educational progress.
Parents/Guardians of all children between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) are required by the compulsory attendance law to ensure that their children attend an approved educational institution, unless legally excused.
Pennsylvania mandates that we share truancy information and schedule meetings with parents/guardians once a child has three (3) or more unexcused absences.
Submitting an Excuse
Once your child enters kindergarten, school attendance is required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If your child must miss school, a written excuse that includes the following information is required.
The child’s full name
The child’s grade
The date the note is being written
The date of the tardy or absence
The reason for the tardy or absence
The parent/guardian’s full name
The parent/guardian’s signature
The parent/guardian’s phone number
Notes may be submitted in one of the following ways:
Your child may deliver it to the office prior to their return to school. Or, in the case of an early dismissal, prior to leaving school early.
You may scan a copy or take a photo of the note and email it to your child's school office. The contact information is below.
You may fax it to your child’s school office. The contact information is below.
As parents and legal guardians, you are encouraged to schedule vacations at times other than on the days that our schools are in session. Cooperatively, we have an important role in stressing the value of education to our children. If, however, an application for a Waiver of Compulsory Attendance (Vacation Form) must be submitted, parents/guardians and students should plan carefully. Please plan ahead so that absences do not occur during important educational periods. The absence should not exceed 10 school days in length. It is imperative the application be submitted to a building principal two weeks in advance of the date for which approval is requested. Thank you for your cooperation!
Checking Your Child's Attendance
Parents can check their child's attendance record in Tyler at any time. It's a good idea to check in from time to time to confirm your child's attendance is documented accurately. It is possible that a note you thought you sent may have been lost in transit… or is at the bottom of your child’s backpack.
You can check your child's attendance in the Tyler Mobile App or by using an internet browser.
Click for a "how to check attendance" guide>
If your child has an unexcused absence (marked “UA” in Tyler), please look at the date to determine whether or not this is accurate. While we hope to have all children in school every day, there are instances where an absence is permitted, such as illness, recovery from an accident, death of a family member or unavoidable family emergency. If you believe your child’s absence should be excused, please send a note to the main office or attendance office of your child’s school immediately.
KCASD School Board Attendance Policy
To view the Karns City Area School District Attendance Policy, follow these steps:
Click “Policies” at the top right.
Click on “200 Pupils” on the left to expand that section.
Click on “204 Attendance.”
Attendance Office Contact Information
If you need to submit a note for an excused absence, please email it or fax it to the appropriate school.
Karns City Area Elementary School - - Fax: 724 445 2776
Karns City Jr./Sr. High School - - Fax: 724 756 7510
Attendance Support
If your child needs assistance getting to school, please contact the building principal. We will work with your family to make an attendance improvement plan for the benefit of your child.